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Professional Dress Code Policy GBEBA

District personnel should exemplify the highest standards of propriety and personal appearance to provide an atmosphere that enhances learning, instills discipline, prevents disruption and avoids safety hazards. The district expects school employees to set an example for students that will serve to promote acceptable minimum dress standards for students and, consequently, improve student behavior. Neatness, cleanliness, appropriate dress and other evidence of personal pride are expected at all times.

Employees required to wear uniforms or safety equipment will be advised by their supervisors as to where the materials can be obtained.

The district does not consider shorts, T-shirts, denim pants, denim shirts, denim skirts, denim dresses, denim jackets, wind suits and sweatpants acceptable for the classroom or office setting. Support staff and instructors in special areas will wear clothing appropriate for their instructional environment.

  • Tennis shoes/KEDS are not to be worn for formal functions such as awards programs, graduation and other special events.
  • Garments should not be so tight or clinging as to be excessively revealing. All attire should meet the “dollar bill” test – front and back.
  • Staff must receive approval from the principal prior to wearing special attire. The board recognizes special situations when a staff member would not dress as he/she would on a normal school day (such as spirit days, work days, field trips, etc.). The principal/supervisor must receive prior approval from the superintendent or his/her designee.
  • Male teachers are expected to wear shirts and ties, unless otherwise indicated by the principal.
  • Professional dress is expected on staff development days unless otherwise indicated by the type of staff development being offered.

“Dress” items not listed above are at the discretion of the principal/supervisor.

Professional Ethics Policy GBEB

Staff members should not discuss the weaknesses and strengths of students before the class, in public places, nor in the teachers’ lounges.  Staff members must discuss problems between staff members at any level in confidence and must not discuss such problems with individuals who are not involved.

Employee Conduct with Students Policy GBEBB-R

Staff members are expected to use good judgment in their relationships with students both inside and outside of the school context including, but not limited to, the following guidelines.

Staff members will not make derogatory comments to students regarding the school and/or staff.

  • The exchange of purchased gifts between staff members and students is discouraged.
  • Staff-sponsored parties, at which students are in attendance, unless they are a part of the school’s extracurricular program and are properly supervised, are prohibited.
  • Staff members will not fraternize, written, verbally or electronically, with students except on matters that pertain to school-related issues.
  • Staff members will not use insults or sarcasm against students as a method of forcing compliance with requirements or expectations.
  • Staff members will maintain a reasonable standard of care for the supervision, control and protection of students commensurate with their assigned duties and responsibilities.
  • Staff members will not send students on personal errands.
  • Staff members will not give rides to students in their personal vehicles, unless approved by the appropriate administrator.
  • Staff members will not sign students out of class except for school-related reasons.
  • Staff members will, pursuant to law and board policy, immediately report any suspected signs of child abuse or neglect.
  • Staff members will not attempt to counsel, assess, diagnose or treat a student’s personal problem relating to sexual behavior, substance abuse, mental or physical health and/or family relationships but, instead, should refer the student to the appropriate individual or agency for assistance.
  • Staff members will not disclose information concerning a student, other than directory information, to any person not authorized to receive such information. This includes, but is not limited to, information concerning assessments, ability scores, grades, behavior, mental or physical health and/or family background.
  • Dating between staff members and students is prohibited.
  • Staff members will not associate with students at any time in any situation or activity which could be considered sexually suggestive or involve the presence or use of tobacco, alcohol  or drugs.
  • Sexual relations with students, regardless of age and/or consent, are prohibited and will result in dismissal in accordance with state and federal law and board policy.

Disciplinary Actions Involving Employees Policy GBEB

Sumter School District expects a high level of loyalty, integrity, and conscientious service of its employees. The board expects the staff of the district to strive to set the kind of example for students that will serve them well in their own conduct and behavior and subsequently contribute to an appropriate school atmosphere.

The following list includes some of the behaviors that are considered misconduct while on duty on or off district premises.  This list is not intended to be all inclusive of behaviors considered to be misconduct.

  • possessing, using, selling, manufacturing, distributing or dispensing any illegal drugs or alcohol while on duty or off district property
  • fighting or deliberately harming another
  • being absent without approval
  • refusing to follow a supervisor’s instructions and directions
  • failure to adhere to safety and health rules as established by state law and the district
  • destroying school property intentionally
  • using obscene language which is unsuitable in the school setting
  • having any interaction/activity of a sexual nature or intent with a student
  • possessing weapons on school property (unless otherwise authorized by law)
  • using school property without proper authorization
  • behaving in any inappropriate manner to the extent of adversely affecting the employee’s ability to perform his/her work and/or disrupting the educational environment
  • harassment, intimidation or bullying of a student

To that end, in dress, conduct, including conduct communicated or performed in person, in writing and/or electronically, and interpersonal relationships, all staff should recognize that they are being continuously observed by students, other employees, parents/legal guardians and members of the community and that their actions and demeanor may impair their effectiveness as employees.

Disciplinary infractions for continuing contract staff are handled in accordance with the South Carolina Employment and Dismissal Act (Section 59-25-410). Serious offenses could result in immediate suspension leading to immediate termination.

Staff Conflict of Interest Policy GBEA

Staff members will not engage in any activity that conflicts or raises a reasonable question of conflict with their responsibilities in the district. Employees will not engage in work of any type where information concerning customer, client or employer originates from any information available to him/her through school sources. Professional employees will not sell instructional supplies, equipment, or reference books in the attendance area served by their school nor will they furnish the names of students or parents to anyone selling these materials.

Gifts to and Solicitations by Employees Policy GBEBC

In the interest of preserving a completely professional relationship between employees of this district and those whom they serve, the board will not permit district employees to sell on district premises for personal profit products of any kind to other employees or students or patrons of the school in which they teach.

No organization may solicit funds from employees within the district and the schools nor may they distribute flyers or other materials related to fund drives through the district and the schools without the approval of the superintendent. Employees will not be made responsible or assume responsibility for the collection of any money or distribution of any fund drive literature within the district or the schools without such activity having the superintendent’s approval.  As a matter of policy, the board expects such activities to be kept to a minimum.


Employees are not to purchase any material unless the proper procedure for purchasing and procurement are followed.  Employees making purchases without proper authorization will be held responsible for paying for the material with their personal funds.

Internet Acceptable Use Policy Policy GBEBDA

The Internet and technology network system in the Sumter School District has been established for limited educational and work-related purposes. The term “educational purpose” includes the following:

  • classroom activities
  • career development
  • limited, high-quality, independent student activities

All users are expected to follow the rules set forth in the board-approved acceptable use policy and use the internet in a responsible way at all times. Users must refrain from the following violations:

  • illegal activities
  • abuse of system security
  • use of inappropriate language and abusive communications
  • invasion of privacy
  • abuse of resource limits
  • plagiarism and copyright infringement
  • improper access to information and materials

Disciplinary action may be taken against staff or students whose on-site or off-site electronic communication causes a substantial disruption to the education environment or substantially interferes with another’s rights. Criminal action may be taken if either the on-site or off-site electronic communication constitutes a threat.

All users are responsible for their individual account and will take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their account. Under no conditions should a user provide his/her password to another person.

All users must sign and return an acceptable use and Internet policy agreement to use the Internet and an individual e-mail account on the district network. This agreement must be renewed on an annual basis.

Employees will have no expectation of privacy in using district telecommunication devices or use of other electronic communications available in the workplace.

All employees must review the policies related to the use of telecommunication devices and submit a signed Telecommunications Use agreement on an annual basis. Failure to comply with the Internet Use and Telecommunications Device Acceptable Use policy may result in suspension of an employee’s user privileges, disciplinary action on or both, up to and including termination.

Telecommunications Devices Acceptable Use Policy Policy GBEBDA

It is the policy of the board that district-owned telecommunication devices will be used to support the educational and business requirements of the district. District telecommunication devices will be used in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, and in a cost- effective and ethical manner. This policy also applies to usage of private telecommunication devices by district employees to the extent utilized for district business or when usage of private telecommunication devices impacts school or district operations.

Furthermore, it is the policy of the district that the use of telecommunication devices by district employees in all cases will not interfere with instructional time, activities, supervision of students, provision of assigned duties, other school-sponsored programs, meetings, in-services or conferences unless an emergency exists or a reason of personal health or safety is involved.

Telecommunication devices must be utilized in accordance with the following standards:

  • District telecommunication devices are provided to employees as a convenience for the purpose of conducting district business.
  • District telecommunication devices such as cell phones are to be used in an ethical and responsible manner. No employee is to use a district telecommunication device for the purpose of illegal transactions, harassment, obscene or offensive behavior, or other violation of district policies.
  • District telecommunication devices are to be used only for district business. They are not to be used for personal business or commercial purposes. In the event personal communications are made or received on a district telecommunications device such as a cell phone, the employee must reimburse the district for all costs incurred.
  • District telecommunication devices are to be used in a safe manner. Employees should not use them to call, communicate or conduct district business while operating a motor vehicle, including school or activity buses and district-owned or leased vehicles or privately-owned personal vehicles being used in an official capacity to transport students related to school/district sponsored activities. This standard also applies to private telecommunication devices when operating the above referenced motor vehicles.
  • District telecommunication devices are valuable and should be handled with care. Loss, theft or damage of a district telecommunication device such as a cell phone must be reported immediately to the user’s supervisor and to the person(s) responsible for telecommunication devices. If loss, theft or damage occurs through negligence, the employee to whom the telecommunication device is assigned will be responsible for reimbursing the district for repair or replacement costs.
  • If an authorized user does not return a district’s telecommunication device or related equipment when requested, the user will be required to reimburse the district for the purchase price of the equipment.
  • Employees will have no expectation of privacy in using district telecommunication devices or use of other electronic communications available in the workplace.

Failure to comply with this telecommunication device acceptable use policy may result in suspension of an employee’s user privileges, disciplinary action or both.