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The policies and procedures contained in this handbook are current as of the publication date and are provided for employees as a quick reference guide to the established school district board policies. This handbook can be superseded by official administrative rules and other policies as established by the superintendent and the Sumter School District Board of Trustees. The information contained in this handbook is not to be perceived as a contract of employment or a promise of continued employment. Updates made to this handbook will be made available online at the official Sumter School District website at Employees will be responsible for reviewing the contents of this handbook and any updates made to its contents.

Sumter School District Board of Trustees Policy BA

The board is committed to the education of students to the best of their individual abilities; to a constant awareness of the concerns and desires of the community regarding the quality and performance of the school system, with the board assuming an educational leadership role; to the employment of a superintendent who will see that the district maintains a position as an outstanding school system and under whose leadership the school personnel will carry out the policies of the board; and to the continued improvement of the district schools for the benefit of its students and their improved academic achievement.

DISTRICT 1  Brian Alston, Vice Chairman             
3385 North Kings Hwy. 261
Rembert, SC 29128

DISTRICT 2 Brittany English
6760 Spring Hill Road
Rembert, SC 29128                                          

DISTRICT 3 Ralph Canty, Sr., D. Min.
104 S. Salem Ave.
Sumter, SC 29150                                      

DISTRICT 4 Tarah Cousar-Johnson                      
4770 Narrow Paved Road
Lynchburg, SC 29080

DISTRICT 5 Shawn T. Ragin, D.Min., Chairman
3835 Quiet Court                
Sumter, SC 29150

DISTRICT 6 Matthew “Mac” McLeod
2985 Bruce Circle            
Sumter, SC 29154  

DISTRICT 7 Dr. Gloria Rose Lee, Clerk
710 Shepard Street
Sumter, SC 29150


DISTRICT 9 Bonnie S. Disney Esq., Chairwoman      
Swan Lake Drive
Sumter, SC 29150     

Shaw AFB  Rep Deborah MacQueen Shaw AFB School Liaison Program Manager
20th FW
Shaw AFB, South Carolina

Superintendent    William T. Wright Jr., Ed.D.
1345 Wilson Hall Road
Sumter, SC 29150              

Chauntae Scott, Administrative Manager to the Superintendent and Trustees – 803-469-6900 ext. 100 

Message from the Superintendent

Dear Faculty, Staff, Students, and Community,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits as we prepare for the upcoming academic year. On behalf of the  Sumter School District Board  of Trustees  and  myself;  it gives  me great  pleasure  to  welcome you all back to school, where  we can come together once again to learn, grow, and thrive as a community. 1 welcome back all those who are returning to Sumter School District and a special welcome to those who are joining us as new staff, students, and parents.

To our esteemed faculty and staff, I am immensely grateful for your dedication and hard work. Your unwavering commitment to providing quality education, both in-person and through remote learning has been truly commendable. Your adaptability and innovative approaches to teaching have inspired our students and ensured their continued growth. I am confident that your expertise and passion will continue to guide our students toward academic excellence and personal development.

To our students, I encourage you to engage actively, ask questions, and take advantage of the diverse opportunities available to you. Together, we will make this academic year a memorable one, filled with growth, learning, and new friendships.

To the community, I extend my warmest invitation for you to be a part of Sumter School District’s journey. Your continued support, involvement, and collaboration are invaluable to us. Whether you are a parent, guardian, alumni, or community member, we recognize the significant role you play in shaping our school culture and enhancing the educational experience for our students. We look forward to working closely with you to create a nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth.

As we embark on this new chapter together, let us remember that we are stronger when we stand united. The challenges we have faced have reinforced our shared values of resilience, compassion, and adaptability. Together, we will overcome any obstacles that come our way and continue to provide an exceptional educational experience for all.

I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and the bright future we will create together. Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. I wish you all a successful and rewarding academic year as we strive to continuously provide the #SumterSDAPPEAL!


William T. Wright, Jr.

Message from the Office of Human Resources

Dear Sumter School District Employees:

The contents of this employee handbook are intended to provide you with general information regarding the policies and procedures of Sumter School District. As a district employee, it is your responsibility to become familiar with the policies outlined by the school board and to present any questions or concerns regarding district policy to the appropriate authority. For clarification, the Sumter School District Board Policy reference is provided next to the sections of the policies included in this handbook.

All school board policies may be found in their entirety as a link under Board Policies on our website, For questions regarding personnel policies, please do not hesitate to contact the Sumter School District Office of Human Resources. We are pleased to assist you in any way that we can.


Dr. Jerry Oates
Chief Human Resource Officer

District Philosophy Policy ADA


To Educate, Empower and Enrich!


Sumter School District is committed to educating, empowering, and enriching the lives of all students to reach their full potential.


Sumter School District is committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and high-quality educational environment that supports diversity and equips students for local and global success.

Values and Beliefs

Because students are our most valuable resource, we believe the following to be essential:

Commitment to Excellence: Educational excellence requires that all stakeholders strive for continual growth and improvement.

Unyielding Ethical Standards: Build and maintain an abiding sense of honor and integrity that is

Accountability: All stakeholders are accountable for their actions and will be responsive to the

Educating the Whole Child: All students are granted the opportunity to succeed based on individual needs.

Providing a Safe Learning EnvironmentStudents have the right to learn in an environment conducive to learning.

Collaboration and Support amongst Stakeholders: Pervasive and valuable collaborative efforts create meaningful strategies and solutions.

Policy ACB Educational Equity

Issued 3/21

The board is committed to the provision of an equitable education system reflected in the educational opportunities offered to all students regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, English learner status, disability, and/or other characteristics, as well as the intersection of these characteristics. The board prioritizes educational equity through the allocation of resources based upon individual student needs. As such, the district will identify and address barriers that cultivate achievement and/or opportunity gaps for students.

The superintendent or his/her designee will use quantitative and qualitative district-wide and school level data to systematically assess which students and/or student groups are experiencing the least achievement, determine the academic needs, and target resources and efforts to address identified needs and improve overall outcomes. The data may include anecdotal information from staff members, as well as formally collected and reported data. Data will be disaggregated and intersected, where feasible, based on available demographics.

In the pursuit of educational equity for students, district programs, operations, and functions will be structured to prioritize the following guiding principles:

  • The district will provide multiple pathways to success to meet the needs of the diverse student body and will actively encourage, support, and expect high academic achievement and excellence from each student.
  • Students will be encouraged and provided opportunities to pursue their goals and interests, to enroll in challenging programs, and to participate in school activities and interscholastic athletics without regard to biases. Students’ educational achievement will neither be predicted nor predetermined by explicit bias (actions, attitudes, and beliefs about a person or group on a subconscious level) or implicit biases (actions, attitudes, or stereotypes that affect understanding, actions, and decisions in a subconscious manner).
  • Students will be provided equitable access to instructional materials, assessments, curriculum, support, facilities, and other educational resources and services that reflect an appreciation for the diverse cultural perspectives, identities, and the needs of students by strategically differentiating allocations as necessary to remove barriers and improve outcomes.
  • The district’s curriculum will promote equity and respect, reflect the distinctive contributions of a diverse society, embed culturally responsive teaching and practices, and provide opportunities for staff members and students to interact effectively with individuals from other cultures.
  • The district will promote a diverse workforce by maintaining an employment process that is free of discrimination and bias; by identifying and addressing barriers to the recruitment, hiring, retention, development, and promotion of district employees from diverse backgrounds; and by actively recruiting and promoting candidates who are committed to educational equity.
  • The district will provide professional development opportunities regarding cultural competency and proficiency that foster the skills and knowledge to cultivate equity and to create a learning environment that is student-centered and meets the individual and diverse needs of students.
  • The district will strive to create a welcoming, inclusive, and bias-free culture and environment that values, reflects, and is responsive to the diversity of students, families, and the community. Respectful and civil discourse and interactions among staff members, students, families, and community members is expected at all times.
  • The district will review policies, procedures, programs, professional development, and budget allocations with an equity lens.

Staff members will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the principles of this policy. The superintendent or his/her designee is authorized to develop an action plan and procedures in accordance with these principles.

Adopted 3/8/21

District Description

About Us

Sumter School District was formed on July 1, 2011, by consolidating Sumter School Districts Two and 17. Dr. William Wright currently serves as the district’s superintendent. Sumter School District enrolls more than 14,500 students in grades preschool through 12 and employs over 3,000 staff members. The district encompasses 682 square miles and serves students at 14 elementary schools, seven middle schools, one K-8 school, three high schools, one alternative learning program, an adult education program, and the Sumter Career and Technology Center.

 Sumter School District helps all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the SC Graduate by equipping them to be responsible, successful, and productive citizens in a global society. We focus on student achievement by ensuring challenging curricula and high expectations. Our recent reaccreditation by Cognia, the organization which conducts rigorous, on-site, external reviews of schools and school systems to ensure that all learners realize their full potential, is evidence of our academic success and continuous improvement.

Our academic programs address rigorous standards in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Research based best practices focus on problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. Data is used to plan and implement instruction in order to differentiate instruction, monitor student progress, and set appropriate goals. A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) uses data-based problem solving to integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention.

 The district infuses 21st Century teaching by emphasizing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), the use of digital libraries, and the implementation of cutting edge technology. Our students have access to world languages, fine arts, advanced placement, college level dual enrollment, early college, the International Baccalaureate program, and the Gifted and Talented program. Through our expansive Career and Technology Education (CTE) courses and numerous offerings at the Sumter Career and Technology Center, our students are developing career-ready skills. Sumter School District also produces well-rounded students through robust athletic programs and award winning extracurricular clubs and organizations.

Our students develop life and career characteristics and soft skills through career exploration including exposure to employers via career fairs, shadowing, work cooperatives, and partnerships; efforts and events sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce and workforce readiness partners; and mentoring programs. Character development is encouraged and taught through character education, classroom guidance, small groups, and intervention programs. Sumter School District works diligently to ensure that every student graduates on time and is prepared for post-secondary education, is career ready, and has the foundation to become a productive citizen.

Our Schools

There are currently 14 elementary schools in Sumter School District. Enrollment ranges from approximately 180 students at the smallest school to 893 at the largest school. Elementary schools are Alice Drive Elementary, Cherryvale Elementary, Crosswell Drive Elementary, High Hills Elementary, Kingsbury Elementary, Lemira Elementary, Manchester Elementary, Millwood Elementary, Oakland Primary, Pocalla Springs Elementary, Rafting Creek Elementary, Shaw Heights Elementary, Wilder Elementary and Willow Drive Elementary.

The school district presently has six middle schools which are Alice Drive Middle, Bates Middle, Chestnut Oaks Middle, Ebenezer Middle, Furman Middle, and Hillcrest Middle.  Enrollment ranges from approximately 160 students at the smallest school to 910 at the largest school.

R.E. Davis College Preparatory Academy serves students in Grades PreK-8. 

The three high schools in Sumter School District are Crestwood High, Lakewood High and Sumter High. Lakewood and Crestwood enroll approximately 1,100 students each, and Sumter enrolls approximately 2,300 students.

Students are also enrolled at Sumter Career and Technology Center.

Nationally known for excellence, our schools have earned numerous prestigious recognitions. Our academic, fine arts and athletic programs are second to none, and our facilities are state of the art. Sumter School District remains committed to its mission of providing an intellectual, safe, and nurturing environment, which equips students to be responsible, successful, and productive citizens in a global society.

About Sumter

Known as the Gamecock City, Sumter lies near the geographic center of the state. Sumter offers a highly diversified industrial structure and is famed for its lovely gardens and charming residential neighborhoods. Part of the well-known Santee-Cooper Lakes region, Sumter is renowned for hunting, fishing, water sports and golf. Located between two great vacation centers, Sumter is 100 miles west of Myrtle Beach’s Grand Strand and 175 miles east of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Columbia, the state capital, lies 44 miles to the west, and the major port city of Charleston is 99 miles south. Sumter is proud to be the home of Shaw Air Force Base and the Third Army, which are integral parts of our community.

Organizational Relationship and Communication

Sumter School District expects employees with professional concerns regarding matters requiring administrative action to follow the appropriate lines of authority. Employees express their initial concerns to their school administrator. When necessary, the administrator will refer such matters to the next highest administrative authority. The Board expects employees to keep their immediate supervisors informed of their professional activities by whatever means their supervisor deems appropriate.

All employees have the ultimate right to appeal a decision made by an administrator through grievance procedures established through the Sumter School District Board Policy GBK-R. This policy outlines the key elements involved in due process. Lines of authority and structured channels of communication do not restrict, in any way, the cooperation of all employees at all levels in order to develop the best possible school programs and services.

Grievance Procedures Policy GBK-R

A grievance is a claim by an employee of a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of a provision of school board policies and administrative procedures or rules and regulations as they affect the employment or work of such employee. It is the district’s philosophy that when conflicts arise, it is incumbent upon the supervisor and subordinate to resolve such conflicts through honest and direct communication and diplomacy. The district provides a formal process for filing grievances that allow any employee to present a concern and ask for resolution in progressive steps. The following steps are the basic levels of appeal:

Level I – Building Principal/Supervisor Level II – Superintendent or Designee

Level III – Board of Trustees (Request for a Hearing)

An employee who wishes to file a grievance must complete the prescribed grievance form and present it to his/her direct supervisor within 10 days following either the event giving rise to the grievance or the time when the employee reasonably should have gained knowledge of its occurrence. It should be noted that a request to be heard by the Board of Trustees does not guarantee an audience before this body. The district grievance form can be obtained from the Personnel Office upon request or from the district’s website under Policy GBK-R at A detailed description of the district’s grievance policy can also be found at the district website.